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World Science Café | Crossroads of Culture: A Journey from Ukraine to Germany

6. Februar 2024 18:00 Uhr

Bild: KIT / INTL

International Affairs (INTL) invites you to the World Science Café on the 6th of February starting at 6 pm.

Come and join us for a concise exploration of the crossroads where cultures meet, weaving together past, present, and academic aspirations. Associate Professor Dr. Ivan Balykin will speak on „Crossroads of Culture: A Journey from Ukraine to Germany“, as well as the intersections of his personal and professional life, unveiling the transitions from Ukraine to the scholarly landscapes of Germany and his aspirations for the future in Germany, from immersive teaching methods to co-founding the educators‘ community at NGO „Progresylni“. He will present his current research on „Memory and Ideological Legacies“, understanding the intricate connections between memory narratives, social movements, and identity politics

Dr. Ivan Balykin is currently Research Associate at the Chair of Contemporary History, University of Mannheim. Find out more about the speaker here.

The talk will be presented by Professor Dr. Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha,  KIT Distinguished Senior Fellow.

Participation is free.

World Science Café

In the event series World Science Café, fled and threatened scientists offer insights into their research. In line with the title-giving café concept, a brief outline will be followed by a discussion about the state of academia in the speakers’ country of origin, in dialogue with a partner who is familiar with the situation in the respective country. What are the consequences a society faces when scientists are unable to continue research in their own country? How can threatened scientists be enabled to continue their work in Germany? How do they enrich and amplify the academic world and German society?

Find out more here.



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