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ENZo Lecture special | „Research-to-Action“

5. Februar 2024 17:00 Uhr 20:00 Uhr

Bild: © ENZo – KIT Graduate School Enabling Net Zero

The KIT Graduate School ENZo invites you to the ENZo Lecture special: „Research-to-Action“ at TRIANGEL on 5 February at 5 pm.

How are research results implemented, how do we reach society with our topics and how do we put technical solutions into practice? The ENZo student teams addressed these questions as part of their Real World Projects (RWP). After an exciting year of idea development, prototyping and testing, challenges and highlights, the first ENZo doctoral student teams present their results.

The next cohort of RWP teams, the class of 2023/24, has also already embarked on the journey from research to active action and application and will present their first project ideas.

The presentations will be complemented by an appreciation from the KIT Vice President for Transfer and the ENZo management, a keynote speech from an intrapreneur from science and a panel discussion on the importance of practical projects for academic education. We hope for lively feedback and contributions to the discussion from participants.


5 pmWelcome
5:05 pm The ENZo RWPs: History and importance for KIT
The Role of the ENZo RWP for Intrapreneurship and 
Transfer at KIT
ENZo and the Idea of RWPs
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth, Vice President KIT

Prof. Dr. Jörg Sauer, Sc. Spokesperson ENZo 
5:20 pmProject Reports
The three RWP Teams 2022/23 present their results
Teams 2022/23
6 pmENZo RWP goes HAFIS: Introduction to the new collaboration between ENZo and the Helmholtz Transfer Academy HAFISSarah Manthey
6:10 pmElevator Pitches of the new RWP TeamsTeams 2023/24
6:20 pmGallery Walk
(concurrent snacks & drinks)
Marketplace & Poster-Session
Teams 2022/23 & Teams 2023/24
7:20 pmImpulse Talk
“enPower to the people – from research to communication”
Dr. Markus Fritz
7:30 pmPanel Discussion
„The Role of Real World Projects for Energy-related Academic Education and their Compatibility with Everyday Research Life”

Prof. Dr. Jörg Sauer (ENZo/IKFT)
Ellen Förstner (ENZo/IAI)
Dr. Markus Fritz (enPower/FhG-ISI)
Dr.-Ing. Björn Schmitz (IBM)
Dr. Christian Scharun
8 pmClosing

More information here.



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