Panel Discussion „Career Talk with KIT Alumni: From Computational and Data Science to Industry and Academia”
11. Oktober 2024 18:00 Uhr – 20:00 Uhr

You are a student or in the middle of your PhD program and curious about a career in computational and data science? Get inspired by our Alumni and their firsthand experience!
A lot of students and early-career researchers wonder which next career step is right for them. The question “Academia or industry?” plays a central role. KIT Graduate School Computational and Data Science (KCDS) and KIT Career Service and Alumni jointly organize this panel discussion, where KIT alumni talk about their personal experiences, job profiles and career paths in computational and data science.
On October 11th from 6 to 8 pm, you will receive first-hand information from Alumni with a similar academic background, who have already gained a foothold in the world of work. We invite you to join the panel discussion with an informal get-together for more in-depth questions afterwards.
The panel discussion will be hosted by Dr. Christian Scharun, who holds a PhD in climate research and is a science slammer. We will discuss with KIT Alumni Katharina Loewe, Celeste Mayer, Marcel Mikl and Lena Peter.